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Hinchcliffe PTO

Executive Board Officers 2024-2025

Kristi Doolittle

Vice President
Jessica Shewmaker

Emily Weber

Recording Secretary
Rebecca Rudolph

Corresponding Secretary
Courtney Sarkany

The PTO is a not-for-profit organization made up of all of the parents and teachers of the children of Hinchcliffe School. The members work to provide services and materials that support the education and well-being of the students. They conduct and sponsor a variety of events and activates throughout the year. Some are designed to raise funds while others offer fun and educational experiences.


PTO Meetings are held every other month in the sunken area.  Please remember that all parents and guardians of Hinchcliffe students are welcome at all PTO meetings and have the right to vote at these meetings.  Child care is available.  We look forward to seeing you!